Building Filter Systems since 1964!
Firma Stevens-HydroBelt produces filter bands and filter media in various thicknesses (microns) for hydro filters. Hydro filters filter the coolant for lathe and milling equipment.
Firma Stevens-Hydrobelt manufactures hydro cyclones, PF, BarMag, hydro-vac and flat bed filters customized to your plant configuration.
We supply all exchange parts for hydro power plants. From cog wheels to shaft motors and more.
We offer spare parts, service and maintenance, conversion & installation of exchange parts for hydro power plants.
Arguments to choose for Hydrobelt!
- Firma Stevens-HydroBelt has more than 50 years of experience in manufacturing filtration systems in all sizes and formats
- Firma Stevens-HydroBelt has built more than 10,000 systems world wide
- Firma Stevens-HydroBelt technology means customizable filtration solutions
- Firma Stevens-HydroBelt solutions technology is sustainable and easy to maintain
- Firma Stevens-HydroBelt can provide you all necessary engineering, construction, installation, start up and service

Our location
Where are we active?
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Czech Republic
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Hungary
- Italy
- Norway
- Poland
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom

Firma Stevens-Hydrobelt | Industriezone Oost | Maastrichtersteenweg 437 | B-3700 Tongeren
T +32 (0)12 399 000 | F +32 (0)12 399 006 |